I made these cards in Photoshop for Valentines Day. I learned a lot about layers, text editing, and managing images when creating these cards. The images and fonts were found online or suggested by our professor.
This podcast was created using Audacity, and I integrated an interview with Google’s Go Bot team. This taught me a lot about how to work with audio, splicing audio together, adding background music, and more.
This prezi covered Chapter 11 in our textbook. Prezi is an interesting presentation method because it allows you to zoom, pan, and view specific sections of a entire board, instead of the traditional powerpoint “slides” method. It can be a novel way to transmit information and ideas. I thoroughly recommend it. Since all information is on one giant “board”, it’s easy to create relationships, display heirarchy, and use zoom effects to get your point across.
This is a mashup of 4 different videos of myself reciting the Litany Against Fear from Dune. This project helped me learn about video editing, transitions, and adding background music. It also gave me the opportunity to use Lightworks, which is a powerful video editing tool. It’s used in Hollywood for good reason!