SWORDS Redesign

I redesigned the system used by our school to manage class registration. This involved conducting an usability analysis and creating prototypes.

Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe

This is a simple tic-tac-toe game written in python with a computer player. This game uses a recursive minimax algorithm to make decisions.

HR Accrual Tracker

This is a desktop app written using web technologies and packaged with Electron and Squirrel. The app itself tracks employee data, for use by HR personnel.

JavaScript Calculator

A calculator written in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It features all the basic functionality you expect from a normal calculator. Check out the demo.

Assessment Matrix

A web application to allow MGA faculty to more easily file student assessments. Led a 16 person team in creating and implementing a new system.

Knight Rider

A ride-sharing system with iOS, android, and web apps. I was solely responsible for the design of the various apps and the implementation for the web client.